The title “deacon” comes from the Greek word diakonos, which means servant. Thus, the ministry of the deacon is a ministry of service. Pope Paul VI stated that deacons are meant to be living signs of the servanthood of Christ’s Church.
My name is Chris Garner and I’m in the formation program studying for ordination to the permanent diaconate in the Archdiocese of Washington (ADW). The formation program is five years, with one year of aspirancy and four years of study and ministries of charity. A candidate must have his wife’s consent to enter into the formation program. In the fall of 2016 my wife Laura and I started the aspirancy year with thirteen other men and their wives.
My classmates and I attend our formation classes twice a week at the ADW pastoral center. I just turned 60 years old and it has been tough to go back to school, read, study and write sermons and reflection papers. The classes have deepened my knowledge of the history of the Catholic Church, strengthened my faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and opened my eyes to the intimate relationship between the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament.
Candidates are also required to serve 40 hours of charitable service each year. I’ve carried out my hours serving residents at two different assisted living facilities. I know the residents that I worked with would love to be out in the world going places, doing things, and just being away from their environment. Yet, their physical and mental fitness does not allow them to do these things anymore. They live simple lives, with prayer and daily Mass and a joyful spirit.
Next Saturday October 19
th, Bishop Michael Fisher will come to St. Edward’s at the 5:30PM Mass to install my classmates and I to the Office of Acolyte. All are invited to attend the Mass. I look forward to serving you the people of the Archdiocese of Washington after my ordination, God willing, in 2021. Until then, please keep me and my classmates in your prayers as we will keep you in our prayers also.