In the Gospel today, people wonder is there a reason why earthquakes, tsunamis, and tornados strike certain people or nations? Was there some sin that the people in that area committed that incurred the wrath of God?
Jesus turns the question on its head. He asks the people whether they are any less guilty than those who are devastated by tragedy. He warns: "if you do not repent, you will all perish as they did!" We can easily fall into the trap of thinking that our good fortune or luck is due to our goodness and that another's bad fortune or luck is due to their sins.
However, Jesus' answer isn't simply a rebuttal of the idea that tragedy is due to our personal sins. Jesus says that the whole assumption behind the question: "Why do bad things happen to good people?" is faulty. Jesus argues there are no good people. He says that all human beings need to repent. All human beings are sinners. All human beings need a relationship with Him in order to become good.
The reason why so many young adults do not get their babies baptized, go to confession, or attend Church is because they were raised to believe they were basically good people. And basically good people do not need to repent of anything.
Jesus warns us today that we are all sinners - that not of us is perfect yet. This is the reason Jesus established the Church and Her Sacraments in the first place. So that by our participation in the Church, by getting the kids baptized, by going to Mass each Sunday, and by going to Confession, God's saving grace might make us good.
God Bless,
Fr. Scott