Next Sunday at 2:00pm, Apr 29, Bishop Dorsonville will be celebrating our Confirmation Mass for our 8th grade Confirmandi. They have been preparing all year with retreats, service to the Church and to the poor, as well as weekly catechesis. Our Director of Religious Education, Maureen Curtis, along with all of our catechists and volunteers have worked very hard to prepare our young people for the challenge of living their Catholic faith in the midst of an increasingly secular culture. Please keep them in your prayers as they prepare to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Throughout our country, young Catholics are confirmed and then sent out amidst the wolves. Hollywood and the lifestyle it promotes has shepherded many children away from the Church promising them a life of pleasure, wealth and fame.
The temptations being promoted today in school, on-line, and on television are great. To keep our kids Catholic, I am in the process of trying to put together a youth group here at St. Edward’s. Please pray for our Confirmandi. Please pray that they remain steadfast in the faith. Please pray for them as they prepare to be sealed with the Holy Spirit so that they may be God's instruments of salvation to a hurting world.
God bless,
Fr. Scott