This past Sunday, we had our Confirmation here at St. Edward’s. I was so very proud of all of our young parishioners who were confirmed. They did a superb job. Bishop Dorsonville was also very impressed. I wish everyone could have seen it from my perspective. As each candidate came forward with his or her sponsor, Bishop Dorsonville would really take his time as he anointed the oil on each candidate's forehead. It was a very powerful experience. After he would anoint each candidate, he would take a long pause to call down the Holy Spirit. Every young person who was confirmed was moved.
By the time you get this bulletin, our First Communicants will have received their First Communion. Please keep them in your prayers.
This weekend we also have our first youth group gathering from 7pm-9pm this Sunday. I am very much looking forward to it. Anne Marie Hines, Emily Casto and I have been putting together some fun activities. Also, we are getting a seminarian for the summer, Julian Ehiem. He will be living with me in the rectory from the middle of May to the middle of July. He is going to be shadowing me and learning what it is like to be a priest in a parish. I am thrilled that he is going to be with us. The Easter blessings keep coming here at St. Edward’s!
God bless,
Fr. Scott