Jesus tells us in the Gospel today, "I do not come to bring peace, but division!" I thought Jesus was the Prince of Peace? Isn't this the same person who says, "My peace I leave you my peace I give you?"
What causes the division Jesus is talking about is that fact that we Catholics struggle against sin. When a Catholic struggles against a sin that everyone has accepted, those who have accepted that sin, try to pressure the Catholic into participate in it. Because if everybody is committing the same sin, then it doesn't feel as wrong in society.
If we look at the devil's playbook, the first step to getting someone to stop struggling against sin is to take their eyes off the sinless one - Jesus. This is why removing any mention of Jesus in society is so important to the devil. If we compare ourselves with Jesus, Jesus will continue to reveal sins to us that we struggle against so that we can become perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect. However, if we compare ourselves with the mob boss who has killed people, we think: "Well, I am not that bad. I am fine. I don't have any sins like that I need to struggle with." This is how the devil then wants to fill us with his peace. He says, "You are fine. You have no sins to struggle against. Put down your cross and join the party!"
But Jesus entered the world to bring division to Satan's party, to separate those who want to struggle against their sins in order to be free, from those who to want pressure them into conforming to their sin. And the peace that Jesus gives His followers is far better than the peace that Satan gives. It is a peace that comes from our Father's love, from a clean conscience, and from triumphing over sin by keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus.
God bless,
Fr. Scott