Last weekend, many of you got the chance to meet our new youth minister, Karen Italiano, after all the Masses. She is already doing a great job. On last Sunday evening, our youth group spent our time listening to a talk from our seminarian Christian Huebner about the importance of telling the truth and playing games outside. We ended the evening adoring the Blessed Sacrament. If you know of youth between from 9-12th grade here at St. Edwards, please invite them to come! We have a great time together. We also learn a lot too. As the discussion went on about the importance of telling the truth, we began to wonder why it is that people lie. We concluded that most lie out of fear that they will no longer be loved if the truth were known about them. Ironically, and sadly, when we lie we offer a false self for the world to love. And if we never offer our true self to the world, we never give the world a chance to truly love us. And if we lie to ourselves, if we lie to God, if we present a false self to God, we do not get to experience God's love for us. If we lie, we do not experience the love of God nor the love of neighbor. Instead, we experience Hell. Tragically, the liar, in an attempt to garner the love of others, never receives real love at all. If we want to experience real love, we have to get real with others and with God. Only the truth will set us free to experience the love of neighbor and the love of God. God bless, Fr. Scott